The “Scientific” Evidence for God and Christ is Awesome

Do you know these three facts? (1.) There truly is a Creator God that you will one day stand before. (2.) Jesus is a real historical person who was crucified and raised from the dead. (3.) You can find true meaning in life amid a world drowning in hatred, betrayal and lust. 

Atheism is polling at an all time high here in the U.S.A. because the falsehood that science has disproven God’s existence is repeated so often by universities and the secular media. But the truth is the scientific evidence for God’s existence is very impressive, which explains why cancel-culture elites are forbidding access to these theistic arguments: A.) Common-sense. B.) Fine-tuning. C.) DNA Information

A.) Common-sense argument for God’s existence. Incredibly, most atheists believe that our existence ultimately traces back to “nothing” i.e., “something that does not exist” (Websters Dictionary). Richard Dawkins, famous atheist and author of The God Delusion, claims our existence accidentally “…evolved out of literally nothing” at the “big bang” “beginning*” when space, matter and time itself began to exist. Notice how Steven Hawking also eliminates God from the creation equation by subtly transferring His supernatural power onto absolutely “nothing”:“Because there is a law such as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing” (A Brief History of Time, pg. 46). But something cannot exist before it existed! Moreover, laws have no causal powers. Laws describe how existing, physical things behave. Therefore, if there ever were a state of “literally nothing” proposed by our atheist friends e.g., no God, time, matter, space, or energy-filled quantum fields (and the laws that govern them), we wouldn’t exist. Why? Because “nothing,” by definition, has zero ability to produce, “evolve” or explain anything. It really isn’t rocket science! The fact that atheists can’t name one potentiality of “nothing” proves that from nothing, only nothing comes—pointing us beyond this contingent, material universe to a supernatural cause. So, instead of praising the magical, evolutionary powers of nonexistence, shouldn’t we just humbly give credit to whom credit is due—namely, God? Atheists are quick to quote Carl Sagan’s maxim: “extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence” in reference to God being the Creator; but not so fond of applying it to their irrational claim of nonexistence fathering everything. Therefore, don’t be fooled by sophisticated, quantum mechanics lectures where professors start off with “something” (quantum gravity), which they misleadingly call “nothing,” to explain everything without God! 

*Most atheists and theists agree that the universe had a beginning ex nihilo, i.e., out of literally nothing. The second law of thermodynamics states that the useful, life-giving energy of our universe is running down like a battery slowly going dead. If the universe was past eternal as a minority of scientists argue, we wouldn’t be alive as our universe would have suffered heat death trillions of years ago. Atheist Alexander Vilenkin (a multiverse advocate) states, “…all the evidence says that the universe had a beginning.” The Borde, Guth and Vilenkin theorem declares: “With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no  longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe. (Alex Vilenkin, Many Worlds in One: The Search for the Other Universe, Hill and Wang, 2006, p.176). 

B.) The Fine-Tuning Argument for God’s existence: (1) Atheists and theists agree with the scientific data which informs us that our giant, life sustaining universe dangles precisely balanced on a microscopic razor’s edge that is fine-tuned to the precision of 1 in 1010123! For comparison, there are “only” 1080 atoms in the entire universe itself. There are 26 necessary, fundamental constants and quantities perfectly woven into the universe at the beginning. Take the gravitational constant as an example. Gravitational collapse or runaway inflation would have rendered our universe lifeless, if just a tiny fraction of one atom (50 quintillion atoms are in a grain of sand!) had been added or subtracted at creation. (2) Atheistic chance (aka nonexistence) cannot fine-tune one thing. If it can’t be luck, it must be by design. (3) Only a supernatural, designing Genius could have dialed in our universe’s necessary, life permitting numbers with such staggering precision, a precision light years beyond anything man has ever engineered. What better explains the finely-tuned engineering wonders of our world like the pyramids, earthquake-proof skyscrapers, jet planes—lucky nonexistence or an intelligent designer? The scientific reasoning called inference to the best explanation leaves us with a supernatural God as the only entity capable of creating without preexisting materials. He is the uncaused cause of all things. 

In light of these “scientific” and metaphysical arguments, why is the naturalist’s explanatory “trinity” of Nothing-Chance-Evolution even on the table as a viable answer to Libeniz’s famous question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Could anti-God ideology be driving the atheist’s illogical, unscientific answer that “nothing” is ultimately responsible for everything? This brings us to the atheist’s second,** credulity-stretching, self-creation, accident claim—their origin-of-life-from-mindless matter theory. (**Our tract:“Atheism’s Seven ‘Mega-Millions’ Jackpot ‘Miracles’” documents atheism’s seven, just-so, self-creation stories.) 

C.) The DNA, origin-of-life argument for God’s existence: 

In 1859 Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of the Species. He claimed by the mechanism of natural selection acting upon random mutations the first self-replicating cell slowly evolved into all of today’s living creatures—like a single seed becoming a tree with many branches. But shockingly, Darwin never addressed his title—the ultimate “origin of the species” i.e., how that “first cell,” supposedly self-created 3.8 billion years ago! He just presumed its naturalistic origin to have a foundation upon which to build his atheistic theory. Why? Naturalists cannot propose a plausible mechanism to explain the origin of the sophisticated, specified information in the DNA necessary to construct the “first living cell”—which is more complex than a spaceship. Just a few tiny grams of DNA can store all the information ever produced by mankind! Only minds produce such information. Therefore the same intelligent Mind who had fine-tuned the universe also blueprinted the first life. Richard Dawkins inadvertently confirmed this during his interview in the documentary: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. He stated “nobody” has “any idea how life started.” 

However, logic dictates that if scientists can’t create one living cell with all the chemicals for life in-hand within perfect laboratory conditions, then it’s impossible for it to happen by chance in the hostile-to-life, early earth’s atmosphere. But let’s say our brightest scientists finally produced a living cell after millions of hours of team effort, that would only prove our point: An intelligent designer is necessary to create complex life. Life wasn’t created by a lucky lighting bolt striking Darwin’s fanciful “warm little pond” as our atheist friends suggest. (Recommended reading: Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe, Steven C. Meyer PhD.) 

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day and that he appeared [to his disciples]…(1 Corinthians 15:3-6 written by the Apostle Paul in A.D. 55) 


A.) Prophetic Proof: No man without divine inspiration can infallibly predict the future. The coming of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, was miraculously predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament. Christ’s resurrection in the first century didn’t happen in some unknown town in India. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection happened in Jerusalem, Israel, a major Roman trading hub and the epicenter of the world’s first major religion, Judaism. Judaism started in 1500 B.C. when God used Moses to lead Israel out of Egyptian bondage and into the promised land of Israel. God gave them the law of Moses that led to the first temple being built by Solomon in 950 B.C. Moses and the Old Testament prophets, predicted hundreds of years before Christ’s birth that Jesus would come and fulfill these old testament prophecies (these are but a few): 

Be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14, fulfilled Matthew. 4:12-16). 

Be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2 fulfilled Luke 2:4-7).

Enter into Jerusalem riding upon a donkey (Zech. 9:9 fulfilled John. 12:13). 

Be crucified alongside sinners (Psalm 22:16 & Isaiah 53:12 fulfilled John 19:23 & Matthew 27:38). 

Buried in a rich mans’ tomb (Isaiah 53:9 fulfilled Matthew 27:57-60). 

Be raised from the dead (Isaiah 53:9 & Psalms 16:10 Fulfilled (Acts 2:25-32). 

Cause the temple to be destroyed. The prophet Daniel had predicted in 600 B.C. that the temple would be destroyed after the Messiah was killed, i.e., “cut off,” to make atonement for the sins of mankind (Daniel 9:24-27). The temple of Jesus’ day was one of the ancient, construction wonders of the world. It was to this very temple that Jesus appeared in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1:the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple.” Jesus appeared many times there and pleaded with them to repent. He warned them that their temple would literally be leveled “because you did not recognize it when God visited you.” (Luke 19:44 NIV). The temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 within the same generation that crucified Christ, confirming His Messiahship ushering in the New Covenant! (Imagine the shock for us Americans if today the White House and Washington D.C. were leveled to the ground in God’s judgment!)

B.) Historical proof for the resurrection.
I always assumed that non-Christian, New Testament, historical critics and scholars would simply deny the resurrection appearances of Christ to his first century disciples recorded in the gospels because they didn’t believe in God or the inspiration of the Bible. So imagine my delight when I discovered that the majority of skeptical, non-Christian, New Testament scholars accept the historicity of the four-core, foundational facts of the resurrection recorded in the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Here are the four historical facts recorded in the gospels that most scholars concede:
1.) Jesus was buried by a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea, in his Jerusalem tomb (Mark 15:46).
2.) On the Sunday after the crucifixion, Jesus’ tomb was found empty by a group of His women followers (John 19:25, 20:1; Mark 15:40, 16:1-7).
3.) On different occasions and under various circumstances different individuals and groups of people experienced appearances of Jesus alive from the dead. (I Cor. 15:3-6).
4.) The original disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that Jesus was risen from the dead.
The renown atheist scholar Gerd Lüdemann concluded: “It may be taken as historically certain that Peter and the disciples had experiences after Jesus’ death in which Jesus appeared to them as the risen Christ.” In fact, no scholar, including atheist Bart Erhman, takes the disciples’ belief in the resurrection of Jesus to be a deliberate fabrication (they think the disciples hallucinated). These admissions refute the lie taught in universities, T.V. and books that the disciples were liars who stole the body or that the bodily resurrection was a legend. And since most psychologists reject group hallucinations, the best explanation for the empty tomb is the God of the universe raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead.

So what’s the point of all this? The crucifixion of Jesus was God’s demonstration of His love for us but hatred for our sin. It was on the cross that Jesus took God’s punishment for what we deserved: “And the Lord laid on Him the [sins] of us all” (Isaiah 53:6, 600 years before Christ). But proofs are meaningless if you are not open-mindedly searching for the truth. I discovered God and Christ intellectually and experientially, a dynamic duo! You too, can experience God if you really mean it. Sick and tired of living for the here and now in a crazed, sin-sick world? Are you willing to do a spiritual experiment? God said:“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13 NIV). Ask God to reveal Himself to you and be open to how He will do it! But remember this: Jesus is coming back, but this time as the conquering King in hell-fire judgment towards those who have not repented of their sins, e.g., sex outside of marriage, lying, violence, hatred, pornography, and other sins which destroys families and ruins lives (Revelation 21:8). Do you want to be forgiven of your sins? Then “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” And are you ready to “…repent and be baptized…”? (Acts 16:31-33; 2:38)— Todd Weiner. 

Let’s Get Together: All Races Welcome!

Want to learn more? Call or text for a Bible study or spiritual counseling and direction. Or visit for friendly, in depth atheist vs. theists debates & lectures. Or visit our Youtube channel: Mission: Millennial/ Z/Alpha Generations. Call or text. Todd 484-400-4816. 

Note: the following are some common objections to theism. 

Objection: Most scientists are atheists and they say theism is unscientific.                                                                     

Answer: Was atheism false in Newton’s day because most of the scientific pioneers were Christians? (Note: according to Pew Research Center, 66% of young scientists are theists, 13% are atheists.)                                                                

Objection: Since subatomic particles spring into existence uncaused out of nothing in the quantum vacuum, so did the universe.                                                                            

Answer: The quantum vacuum is not “nothing.” It is a fluctuating sea of energy governed by physical laws and having a physical structure.                                                     

Objection: Then who created your Creator?                   

Answer: God is a timeless being who did not begin to exist. Back when atheists believed the universe was past eternal, they argued it therefore didn’t need an explanation of its existence, having always existed. But once Einstein and Hubble proved the universe had a beginning, for some strange reason many atheists became inconsistent overnight. Anti-God bias?            

Objection: But Richard Dawkins says theists believe in “a flying spaghetti monster.”                                                 

Answer: Do I win the scientific argument for God’s existence by posting a sillier, false characterization of atheism? Okay, atheists believe in a flying, nonexistent, quadriplegic, fairy monster.

Objection: Theists practice faulty “God of the gaps” reasoning, i.e., using gaps in scientific knowledge as evidence for God’s existence.                                                                          

Answer: Another false characterization! Theists like William Lane Craig (look up Craig’s debates on YouTube) successfully debate the aforementioned fine-tuning argument based upon the undisputed facts, not gaps,  provided by science. 

I want to thank you all for listening. As a reminder, here is our mission statement for Mission: Millennial/Z/Alpha’s 

Mission Statement: Lovingly deliver the compelling evidence for God & Christ to the Millennial/Z/Alpha generations brainwashed  by academia into believing science disproves God’s existence and Christ is a legend. 

Friends, I know brainwashed is a strong word but unfortunately it’s apropos in context of today’s cancel culture atmosphere where a meaningful discussion of intelligent design is, as a rule, forbidden on college campuses. So bear in mind, that I only disrespect closed-minded atheists who misrepresent and/or suppress theism. I have atheist & agnostic friends who are far better people to be around than some hypocritical, so-called “Christians” that I regret ever meeting. We welcome vigorous, open and cordial discussion with atheists who agree with us that, in the spirit of true scientific inquiry, the very best arguments for both sides should be made available to the public. In fact, here is the proposition I affirm in public debate on the origins issues: “Certain  arguments  premised  upon current scientific data points toward a supernatural Creator being the best explanation for the beginning of the universe and intelligent life.”

If you wish to  partner with our mission, here are two ways:

  • Share the links to these audio tracts with Christian and secular school-aged kids to immunize them from atheistic, cancel-culture indoctrination. 70 percent of our Christian youth reject Christ by the time they leave secular college. Don’t assume that because they go to church they will be okay. Bear in mind that secular kids also overwhelmingly reject their natural predisposition towards theism during their college years.

  • If you want paper copies of my narrated tracts for mass distribution email me at Or go to my website to download the text or link of the following two tracts: (1) The Scientific & Historical Evidence for God & Christ is Awesome (2) The “Real” Christ: Myth or Savior. Or go to to print out a trifold paper copy that you can fold and share with others.